Brådjupt 3 ply, 50/100g (Deep sea)

410,00 kr
Unit price per

Steingjerde yarn plant dyed with indigo.  Grey Steingjerde yarn is white wool from Røst carded together with black sheep wool from around northern Norway.

Røst is the island furthest out in Lofoten. Here the sheep live outside virtually all year round, often on the islets around Røstlandet itself. The sheep eat a lot of seaweed and kelp, and the wind blows salt into the wool. These special conditions result in beautifully white, soft wool.

We dye the yarn with indigo in the color kitchen on the farm. We make about 13 skeins per dye bath, and mark each skein with the batch number. Be sure to get the same number if you want the exact same colors.

Crossbred wool by Norsk Kvit Sau.

This is vintage yarn, where each year has its nuance. The clip from 2018 is now for sale.

100 grams in one skein = about 210 meters.
Nm 6.3 / 3
Knitting needle approx. 3 - 4.
100% pure Norwegian wool


US measures:

One skein is 3,52 oz= 229 yards

Knitting needle: approx. 3-6


UK measures:

One skein is 3,53oz = 229 yards

Knitting needle: approx. 11-8